Saturday, June 17, 2017

Social run at the lake with Lefty. I think I talked the whole time! It was hot but the breeze and my legs felt great! We did not go very fast but we made it!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Date: Wednesday April 19, 2017

Mileage: 3.3 miles

Walk/Jog: 5min/30sec

Location: Lake Grapevine

Time: 57min 55 sec (17:33/mi)

Workout: Legs just not having it today. I knew that I had to get out today or I would not sleep tonight. I didn't know just how far I would go but I managed to accomplish my goal of 3.3 miles!


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Here we go again...

We are going back to Disney, and I cannot be more excited!!! February 2019 🎉

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Days 16 - 29!

 Not proud of the fact I let two weeks go by without one blog post. Oh we'll, as they say: "life happens"!
Two weeks ago my long run was 11 miles with a 19:27 pace.  Last week I walked 13 miles with a 19:46 minute pace.  This week, since I have a race on Saturday, I'm only going 7 miles.  Yesterday, I walked 4 miles with a pace of 17 minutes.  I'm getting better at the walk/walk faster/walk routine.  I have been walking for 5 minutes, then switching to my walk faster mode for 7 seconds. Today, I am moving to a 4/7 mode. We will see how that works.

I am sill struggling with my eating habits! Some days I just don't care about healthy eating; I want my junk food!!

'Till Later,

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 15

Week two is in the books!!  I had a good Monday.  I walked 6.2 miles with a 17:22 pace, which I am comfortable with at this time.  I also did ok with my nutrition.  I guess I need to explain why I am calling what I eat my nutrition instead of my diet.  I want to make my eating a lifestyle.  I do not want to think of it as a diet, because I plan on continuing this style of eating the rest of my life.  I know I will have those days when I blow it, but that is ok, because tomorrow I will get back up on my horse and try again!  I spent so many years trying to diet and having no-no's about certain foods.  All I did was make myself frustrated and angry at all those people who could eat whatever they wanted when I could not.  And then I would eventually eat what I craved and then ate more, and more.  You get the idea.  I no longer have this long list of taboo foods.  If I start to crave something, I eat a bite or two of it and continue on my way.  The longer I eat more fruits and vegetables, the easier it is becoming to say no to over-eating.  A lot of the time I find myself not even wanting the fattening foods I used to eat all the time.

That's all for now folks,

Monday, May 19, 2014

Days 12 - 14

Ok, this is getting ridiculous!  I am supposed to be blogging each day, not combining days together! lol.  I really struggle with Fridays because they are cross training days and I do not have anything pre-planned.  I did some taekwando and then walked up 4 flights of stairs at the ball game.  The ball game; I was on target with my nutrition until I walked into the stadium. A hot dog, bag of peanuts, (I mean, who can go to a baseball game and not have peanuts?!), and a few bites of my granddaughter's ice cream sundae, and wham! I'm over-budget on my calories!  :-(

I'm not sure I did much better on Saturday in the nutrition department.  I really blew it at dinner what with the wonderful warm bread, and then the flat bread pepperoni pizza.  I did manage to get my 3:47 mile walk/jog in.

Now we have Sunday, which is another cross training day. This one is easy as I have a stationary bike I ride and then I do strength training on the machines in the fitness center.  It is 10:10 pm and so far my nutrition budget is great!  I just have to make it home without stopping at McDonald's!  I brought grapes and strawberries to hopefully tide me over. :-)


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Days 9 - 11

Tuesday:  What a day!  On our way to Bastrop, we decided to eat lunch.  There was a sign advertising Rosa's Cafe in Waco.  I love Mexican food and we usually eat it the night before our races.  Since tomorrow is a 10 mile walk, we decided to pretend it was a race so we could have our pre-race meal!  It was delish!  The shock that came when I logged my meal was incredible!  Soooo many calories in one of my favorite meals!  :-(   When we reached Bastrop, we walked our short 2.17 mile hill walk.  I was elated as it was the first time I made it all the way up the monster hill without having to stop and catch my breath!  After that, I had a 2-hour private ATA lesson in preparation for my next belt testing in June.

Wednesday:  This morning we walked 9.97 miles. There were a LOT of hills and I did not have to stop and catch my breath once!  Yea!!  After quick showers, we drove home. It was a fun trip, but both of us were exhausted!!  

Thursday:  Ok, back to logging my meals, (I took Wednesday off).  I did not pre-plan my day so I spent the day wanting to eat everything I saw!  I did manage to get my scheduled 30-minute walk in, plus I took Zoey for her mile buggy ride after her nap. 

Ok, I think I am caught up on my blogs.